How To Tell Your Children That You & Your Spouse Are Separating/Divorcing

How To Tell Your Children That You & Your Spouse Are Separating/Divorcing

While divorce or separation may create dramatic waves of change in your life,  there will certainly be many changes in your children’s lives too, especially if they are under 18 or still living with you.

Divorce and separation can be awkward and difficult topics to discuss with your children, but how you approach the topic can really make all the difference.

As professional and affordable family lawyers in Sydney, here are a few of our top tips for announcing a divorce or separation to your children.

Have A Plan

Speak to your spouse about the main points that you want to discuss when speaking to your children and come up with a plan of how and when you are going to talk to them.

Don’t Leave It Too Long

Once you have decided to move forward with the divorce or separation, you should find a time to tell your children as soon as possible. You would not want them to catch wind of the situation from anyone other than you and your partner.

Invite Them To Ask Questions

While it may be difficult to provide answers to some of their questions, you should invite your children to ask questions about the situation. It is very important that they have a full understanding. Although they do not need to know specific details, they do deserve to understand why this is happening.

Explain How The Situation Will Affect Them

Separations can have a drastic practical impact on the lives of your children. Explain to them in detail what will change in their lives and what will stay the same. When children are aware of what changes will occur in their lives, it may be easier for them to adjust.

Be Patient With Them

This is a massive change in your entire family’s lives. It is very important to be patient with your children and give them time to adjust to their new ‘normal’. Remember that even if one of your children reacts strongly to the news of your divorce, it does not mean that they won’t eventually be okay with the idea.

Are you looking for trustworthy, affordable family lawyers in Sydney? Here at Lapointe Family Law, we have a team of professional and experienced lawyers that can assist you when it comes to the legal proceedings of divorce, seperation, joint care, binding child support agreements and more. Please feel free to get in touch.